After three consecutive days of bad air quality, the conditions finally improved for the city on Friday. This proves that vehicular air pollution is a problem that is leading to rise in pollution," said Rishi Aggarwal, a city based environmentalist However, environmentalists said that the pollution level has not fallen as it was supposed to be after the fire at the dumpsite was dowsed. Mumbairsquo;s air quality rose from the lsquo;very poorrsquo; to the lsquo;poorrsquo; category, according to the data shared by System of Air Quality Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR). air cylinder valve suppliers "Also, rise in humidity is one of the reasons for the high pollution level as the moisture in the air traps pollutants closer to the ground," he added.5 (PM 2.

Experts said that the fluctuating wind pattern is leading to the variation in the pollution level in the city. Out of the total number of stations, three stations mdash; BKC, Worli and Mazgaon recorded lsquo;poorrsquo; air quality with more than 200 mg/ug. However, on Friday, the AQI of the city decreased to almost 240 providing some relief to Mumbaikars. Recently, according to data obtained from SAFAR, since the Deonar fire outbreak this month, the city has recorded one of the highest air pollution levels in the country. Among all the nine air pollution-monitoring stations, Andheri recorded the highest amount of particulate matter size 2.5) in the city on Friday. "On Friday, the wind was strong so it helped clearing the air pollution above the ground," said Gufran Beig, project director, SAFAR. Since Tuesday, the city has been recording an air quality index (AQI) above 300, which falls under the category of lsquo;very poorrsquo; quality standardised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Only Colaba recorded air quality within the permissible level. "The air pollution levels are still high in the city.

Experts said that the fluctuating wind pattern

the ,air ,to ,pollution ,of ,city ,the city ,in the ,air quality ,air pollution ,to the


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